Age Appeal: 2-14 Play Capacity: 1-16
- L = 30.5’
- W = 20’
- Floor Height = 5’ & 7’
- Swing Height = 10’
- Play Area = 36.5’L x 26’W
- L = 32.5’
- W = 20’
- Floor Height = 5’ & 7’
- Swing Height = 10’
- Play Area = 38.5’L x 26’W
Poly Deluxe Sky Tower
Double Canopy
Picnic Table Kit
with Floor Kit
High Ride Attachment
Beam 4 Position
Trapeze with Rings
2 – Sling Swing
Horse Glider
Monkey Bar Climber
14’ Scoop Wave Slide
12’ Gang Plank
7’ Rock Climb
Climbing Pole
Sandbox Cover
Steering Wheel
Super Scope
3 Flags